Community | 09 August, 2024

Dr Fred Calavassy Provides Dentistry in Papua New Guinea

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  • Dr Fred Calavassy Provides Dental Care to Papua New Guinea Kids

Our Chief Clinical Officer, Dr Fred Calavassy recently returned from Papua New Guinea where he was part of the YWAM team providing dental services to children in need.

Papua New Guinea has a considerably higher rate of caries amongst children with DMFT (Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth) statistics substantially higher than Australia, New Zealand or other island nations in the Pacific. They also have the world’s highest rate of oral cancer, additionally with oral cancer comprising 25% of all cancers in PNG.

During Dr Fred's time at the school in the dental trailer, he and two other international clinicians along with 1 local registered dentist and 1 local registered oral health therapist treated 119 patients following 228 clinical assessments. 567 dental procedures were performed, including 56 extractions, 238 restorations, and 167 fissure sealants. Additionally, the YWAM team undertook 24 oral health education sessions for 780 students and each student received a Bright Smiles Colgate Pack containing 2 x toothbrushes and toothpaste.

YWAM’s PNG mission of “Care, Connect, Serve and Build” is reflected in the incredible work undertaken by the YWAM Dental Trailer team which is serving the substantial dental needs of children at schools visited by the dental trailer. The dental trailer is a fully equipped 3-chair dental clinic and sterilisation bay which is utilised by volunteers serving local PNG communities.

Dr Fred said although it was a challenging experience, it was beyond rewarding. 

"The smiles on the children treated and the thanks received from the teachers and local community members was extremely enriching and rewarding. The opportunity to also provide education to a number of local dentists and team members provided me with further fulfillment knowing that a collegiate sharing of knowledge was providing ongoing care to the patients to be treated by those with which we shared."

"Additionally, working collegially with other clinicians in the trailer was rewarding as I learned clinical techniques which are generally not utilised in general clinical practice in Australia or New Zealand.
I would encourage anyone thinking of an opportunity to utilise their learned clinical skills to support a worthy cause, to reach out to me personally or contact the YWAM teams in either Australia or New Zealand."

YWAM Medical Ships – Australia-Papua New Guinea

YWAM Ships Aotearoa