Kerikeri Dental Centre

Dental Implants at Kerikeri Dental Centre

Love your smile with dental implants at Lumino Kerikeri. 

Restore the look and function of your teeth with dental implants at Lumino Kerikeri. 

As industry leaders for dental implants in Northland, we have a range of options to help you get your best smile. Our implant dentist, Dr Simon Leith will work with you to achieve the best results to suit your needs, while keeping you informed about price and timeframe. 

Dental implants are an excellent option to replace lost teeth with a more permanent solution that will help you to eat, speak and smile with confidence. They are made to look, feel and function like your natural teeth and can boost your oral health and even your self-esteem! We see patients from all over Northland including Kerikeri, Whangarei, Dargaville & more!

What are dental implants?

Dental implants Kerikeri provide you with a modern solution for missing teeth. Dental implants are titanium screws that are placed into your jawbone to replace missing teeth. Crowns, bridges or dentures can be attached to the implants to replace any number of teeth - from a single tooth to a full set of teeth. Millions of people around the world have benefitted from dental implants since they were first introduced in 1965. 

Dental Implants Northland with Dr Simon Leith - The Process

Consultation and Planning 

During the consultation appointment for dental implants, Dr Simon Leith will take a 3D x-ray to ensure there is sufficient bone to place the dental implant. A full discussion about options for treatment, costs and timeframe will be completed so an informed decision can be made on how to proceed. Some preparatory dental treatment may be required.  

Implant Placement 

Dr Simon Leith uses 3D planning for safer, more precise implant surgery. To make the procedure more comfortable it can be performed under IV sedation, meaning there is no memory of having the dental implant/s placed. Post-operative discomfort usually only lasts around 24 hours, and paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used for pain relief if required. It is best to eat only soft foods on the area for 1-2 weeks to help it heal correctly. If the implant is placed in a visible area, then a temporary tooth/denture can be worn to aid with eating and smiling.  

Crown/Bridge or Denture Placement 

This is usually completed 10-12 weeks after the implant is placed and requires two to three appointments. Dr Simon Leith uses Australia’s largest dental lab to fabricate your new ceramic tooth. The ceramic tooth is made from zirconia and titanium, or porcelain fused to alloy to ensure a long-lasting solution.  

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Do you have one or more missing teeth? Do you want to improve your appearance? Are you after a more permanent and natural solution to missing teeth that will improve your ability to speak and chew like normal? 

Providing your gums are healthy and you have sufficient bone to support the prosthetic implant, then dental implants are an excellent solution for missing teeth. 

Here are some of the many advantages our patients have discovered with dental implants: 

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Dental Implants
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Improved Appearance

Dental implants look and feel the most like your natural teeth and can even help prevent bone shrinkage in your jaw, delaying one of the signs of aging

Better Function

Dental implants can help improve speech and make eating and chewing easier

Improved Confidence

They give you back your smile and function, which can help boost your self-esteem


No more need to feel embarrassed taking out dentures and you can throw away the messy adhesive needed to keep dentures in place!


Dental implants are very durable and with good care can last many years

Better Oral Health

Dental implants can help prevent the problems that can occur from missing teeth

Next steps

Ready to transform your smile?
Take the first step to your perfect smile by enquiring today. Our team will be in contact to discuss your treatment options as well as answer any questions you might have.

Have questions?

Is a dental implant procedure painful?

You shouldn’t feel any pain during the dental implant procedure. You will likely be sedated during the procedure or given local anaesthetic so you won’t feel any pain. At your consultation appointment, your dentist or specialist will talk you through the procedure and any concerns you might have. You may experience minor discomfort for a few days following the procedure.