It’s not every day you get a centenarian walk through the doors of your practice, especially one that has been a patient for over 35 years.
But that’s what happened earlier this month when Mrs Muretta Grimwood came for her annual check-up at Lumino Wairakei Dental Centre in Christchurch. She has been visiting the practice for over 35 years and has been a patient of Lead Dentist Neill Bradley, for 22 years.
Muretta recently turned 100 years old and although she doesn’t like too much fuss, she did celebrate with an afternoon tea with friends and family.
Dr Bradley says Muretta, whose daughter Lyn is also a patient, is always a pleasure to have in his chair and also always good for a laugh when she comes in.
“She told me I was going grey, I told her to look in the mirror!” he says of their last check-up.
The practice gifted Muretta an Orchid and her last check-up was on the house.
Practice Manager Annie says she was quite taken aback by this.
“Muretta makes sure to come in on a regular basis,” says Annie. “She is still very independent and very proud of it.”
Like all centenarians, Muretta received a card from the Queen for her big day, which she was delighted about.