Christmas is nearly here and the festivities are underway. These festivities often include indulging in lots of food and drink.
While it's important to enjoy this time of year it's also important to look after your teeth.
During the Christmas holidays, many of us are travelling which means we get out of our usual routine. We stay up later enjoying a few drinks and nibbles and we snack more than usual throughout the day. Whether it's finishing off all those leftovers or treating yourself to some lollies or Christmas pud, it's not uncommon to indulge this time of year.
To make sure you keep good oral health over the holidays, here's a few tips:
Drink lots of water while you eat. When you're eating more frequently throughout the day, you're not giving your saliva long enough to build up and clean your teeth. Drinking lots of water will prevent food from staying on your teeth for long.
Don't lose your good hygiene habits. Remember to brush and floss. Many of us travel over the Christmas holidays and stay away from home. Bring a toothbrush, floss and mouthwash with you, and remember to keep up with your daily oral health routine.
Try to limit the consumption of teeth-staining foods and drinks. If you're enjoying some colourful foods and drinks these holidays try to limit the amount you have or swap them for colourless options.
Eat more healthy festive foods and avoid too much unhealthy food. If you fill up on delicious healthy food such as vegetables, nuts, fruit, lean meat, and dark chocolate you won't have room to over-eat candy, baking and sugary drinks.
Resist the urge to over snack during the day. Try eating more at mealtimes so you don't feel tempted to snack as much.
Book an appointment with your dentist. Visit the hygienist before you go on holiday and get those teeth fresh and clean before Christmas. Get in early and book a visit for after the holidays too and get your oral health sorted before you get back to your normal routine.
Many of our practices will be closed or only open for limited hours during the holidays. If you have a dental emergency during this time please see your preferred practice's page for emergency contact details.