We believe in ensuring your visit is a pleasant and memorable one. We will listen carefully to your main concern, then tailor a plan that fits your needs, expectations, time frame and budget with the best evidence based solution.
We believe that dental disease is completely preventable and restorative dentistry done properly can improve the quality of your oral health immeasurably. Thorough dental examinations and regular dental hygiene appointments that comprehensively check and maintain the health of your dentition are the bedrock of our practice. We perform oral cancer exams, complete screening for periodontal infections and take radiographs to ensure your teeth and bone is disease free.
We encourage regular dental examinations and hygiene treatments with the aim to providing preventative treatment to avoid those unwanted dental emergencies. During all appointments, we work closely with you to identify and reach your oral health goals.
We maintain the highest standards of infection control and safety procedures, according to the NZ Dental Council codes of practice designed to protect you against the possible transmission of disease and infections.
Appointments – Your dental appointment is reserved exclusively for you. We will endeavour to be on time, and would appreciate your punctuality.
Cancellation – If you are unable to keep your appointment please notify us as soon as possible. Due to the high demand for appointments at our dental practice we charge fees for missed appointments, or those cancelled at late notice (less than one business day).
Payment – In general, full payment is required at the time of your appointment. We accept payments by cash, cheque, EFTPOS, credit card, or direct transfer. Credit is not available.
Privacy – All your information is handled with the strictest of confidence. No records are provided to anyone else without your specific written consent.