Andrew finished his post graduate course 23 years ago and has successfully run an independent prosthodontic and dental business in Nelson for over 20 years.
He travels around NZ and Australia regularly delivering presentations and training to dentists and dental students, helping them keep up to date with advanced techniques.
Liss graduated with a Bachelor in Oral Health from the University of Otago in 2016 and completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health in 2018.
Liss worked for the Southern Community Oral Health Service seeing children as well as Adolescents and Dental Hygiene at a busy private practice in Dunedin in her first three years out working. Liss has worked in Nelson, Dunedin and worked as a locum in Queenstown.
Liss is passionate about providing preventative care to patients in a judgement free approach that empowers patients on their journey to improving their oral health.
In her free time, Liss loves spending time in nature and with friends and family. Liss enjoys photography and cold water ocean swims.