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Southern Cross Easy-Claim Insurance

Southern Cross Easy-Claim makes it even easier for you to save on dental treatment without the stress. 

If you are a Southern Cross member you can look after your oral health and save with our discounted treatments with the convenience of not having to complete a claim form.

What it is

Southern Cross Easy-Claim is a convenient way for Southern Cross members to claim for eligible healthcare services at the time of purchase, without completing a claim form.

Remember to bring your Southern Cross Member card, app or membership number with you to the appointment, as proof of membership.

Who can use it

If you are a Southern Cross member you will be able to take advantage of our Southern Cross Easy Claim Insurance at participating practices.

Have questions?

Southern Cross members can use Easy-claim for dental treatment if the insurance policy has a dental and hygienist benefit and the treatment you receive qualifies for cover under that benefit. Non-essential treatments such as whitening are not covered. Refer to your policy document or call Southern Cross for details. Southern Cross members can also use Easy-claim for treatment if there is sufficient benefit left on the policy to cover the charges.

Presenting your Southern Cross Member card is the easiest way to make an Easy-claim, but if you do forget your card on the day we can use your full name and date of birth to find your details.

This depends on what policy you have and how much benefit you have left on your policy. You may be required to pay a portion of the total charges at the time of payment and in some cases you will have to pay the total bill.

Not all Lumino practices offer the Southern Cross Easy-claim service. When you book your appointment be sure to confirm with the practice that they offer the Easy-claim service. If you have any questions regarding your Southern Cross policy including whether you are entitled to dental coverage, please call Southern Cross directly on 0800 800 181.

Terms & Conditions

Southern Cross services are available at participating practices only. 

Appointments are subject to availability.

Patient must identify themselves as a Southern Cross member. The practice is not expected to ask the patient if they are a Southern Cross member. You must identify yourself as a Southern Cross member at the time of services by showing your Southern Cross Card, app or membership number.

Southern Cross Health Society Easy-Claim is not available at these practices: Coastlands Dental Health Centre, Family Dental Centre, Greymouth, Ferrymead Dental Centre, Havelock North, Kerry Hamilton Dental, Sanctuary Botany, St Albans, Victoria Street, Whanganui, Bay Orthodontics, Christchurch Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Centre, Courtney Orthodontics, Harish Lala Endodontist, Henderson Periodontics & Implants, Hodgson Muir Orthodontists, Ilam Orthodontics, Kieren O'Neill Orthodontics, Nelson Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery Associates, PerioCare, RJ Begg and Associates, Strowan Oral Surgery, Wellington Oral Surgery, Wellington Orthodontic Associates, Kerikeri, Pahia.

Your Member card is an accepted means of identification to electronically claim for qualifying healthcare products and services at selected health service providers.

When you claim electronically for eligible healthcare services for yourself (or anyone else named on the policy) Southern Cross Medical Care Society deems this to be a claim under your policy, and you authorise Southern Cross Medical Care Society to process the claim in accordance with your policy coverage (or the policy coverage for the other person named on the policy) and pay the selected health service provider direct.

The policy holder will receive all communications from Southern Cross Medical Care Society in relation to each electronic claim. At any time, you may advise Southern Cross Medical Care Society that you do not wish to electronically claim.