What made you decide to get into dentistry as a career?
I wanted to try something different away from office and customer service-based work and fell in love with my dental assisting job because I never get bored at work as no patient is the same.
How long have you been practising?
Before qualifying as an Oral Health Therapist in 2019, I was a Dental Assistant for over 12 years.
Tell us about your career background.
In the past, with my great communication technique, I was drawn to customer services jobs such as sales due to my specialty of communicating and connecting with people.
What do you love most about your job?
I am compassionate about helping people, hence providing oral health care. I always look forward to encountering patients, especially the ones which struggled and neglected their oral health in the past but are genuinely motivated to step up to improve their oral health. This makes me feel like a valued health provider.
What is your most memorable case to date?
Constantly getting to meet a variety of amazing people. Even if they’re anxious about coming to the dental clinic, from different age groups, they always come out with a smile and satisfaction. This makes me feel very proud to be part of a team with an ideal working environment.
What are your special interests in dentistry?
I developed a passion in helping others to improve their oral hygiene by modifying each patient’s needs by educating them to better their oral health, giving the most compassionate care, and helping them apply these into their daily routine without stress, is the role anyone can ever have as a Health Provider.
What is the main piece of advice you give your patients?
Optimal oral health is not a challenge at all if it’s regularly maintained. These can be easily achieved by each individual with good teamwork from both the patient(s) and clinician(s) combined.
Where would we find you outside of the practice?
I came from a family-orientated culture. So if I’m not at work, I like to spend all my time with my husband, my 2 boys and the rest of my extended family and friends (basically everyone that I love in the world). We love to sing, dance, laugh and eat a lot -it's all everybody needs to have a wonderful life.